Monday, April 30, 2007

technology autobiography

In Dr. Friedman's class we were asked to blog our technology autobiography. SO here it goes. My entire family is not the most technology inspired. I definitely remember our first personal computer. I was in middle school. It had a green on green screen and a dot matrix printer - and we thought we were all that and a bag of chips. We never had computer labs at my high school - for heaven's sake I took typing on the old office style IBM typewriters. The next year I took the only computer class on campus - because I was supposed to - and learned about a lot of stuff that I do not understand - 0's and 1's and how to do some basic programing. I felt like I had moved up when I went to college - in 1990 and we had a computer lab! All we really used it for was to type papers - Al Gore had yet to invent the Internet! In the early 90's you could either keyboard or program that was about it - at least in my world. We sure were advanced with out 5 inch floppy disk - those were the days. I have fond memories of pounding out some dire English essays on the computer lab keyboards - a nightmare I would rather forget... I graduated and got my first teaching job at a small private school with no money - therefore little technology - no learning there. Then I worked at a large independent school with lots of $$$ and I was exposed to all kinds of gadgets and cool stuff, but it was all Mac and I was always spoke IBM, so it was an adjustment. Now I have Dell and a desire to become more savvy with hardware and software. I can sometimes seem so intimidating and overwhelming. One of the best ways I have learned about technology was to jump in the deep and and learn how to swim on the fly.

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