Monday, April 30, 2007

Learning to Be Wired

What a great article about how a school went grew from not wanting to be bitten by the technology bug, to a full-throttle technology program with a computer teacher/director to boot. In many ways I feel that my own personal technology mirrors that of the Lowell School. I too went from very primitive, and almost thorough no choice of my own, here I am in computer land. I too am loving it, but working out the kinks. In my life time I have watched the evolution that the article describes personally in a school setting. Ten years ago, while working at Providence Day, they did much of what Lowell did. The started with a plan and a vision, lead by someone who was capable and who could see clearly what the future held. Most importantly , that computer director also understood that technology must me aquired in stages and phases - $$ always a great constraint - even if you have a lot, it is not ever enough.

In reading the article, I also have an even greater understanding as to why the youth of out schools can lap me with their eyes closed and both hands tied behind their backs when it comes to technology. They, unlike me, teethed on computers. They students of today are technology masters and it all comes with such comfort and ease. It is really interesting to see.

As a professional educator, this was an terrific, inspiring article. Great things are possible with technology. Like with anything, starting with a vision and a plan, no matter how small, can turn even the simplest thing into a grand adventure. Don't be afraid to take risks and to go off the path of the original plan. Sometimes, many times, you end up in a place that is better that you could have ever imagined.

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